How Do Air Purifiers Work? Do Air Filters Help with Allergies?

junio 19, 2024 4 min read

How Do Air Purifiers Work? Do Air Filters Help with Allergies?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency describes indoor air pollution as one of five environmental health risks. It's true! The air inside your home and room can be more polluted and harmful than the outside ones. Pollen, animal hair, and mold spores might affect your home's air quality, influencing your allergies and the standard of air you breathe. Scientific studies show air filtration controls these airborne allergens. In short, it provides the desired relief for people with unbearable allergies. 

Allergens in the air can be reduced with the help of air filters. This can help to ease symptoms. Experts recommend them as a solution for seasonal allergies in children or adolescents, as they help enough to be worthwhile. These devices must be used properly to be effective, which means using the right one for the size of your room or home, choosing the right one that will seize the types of allergens you are willing to filter, and changing the filter as needed.

What Air Purifier Can Filter?

An air purifier cleans your surrounding air by arresting contaminants like:

  • Harmful pollutants
  • Dust
  • Polluted pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Dangerous viruses
  • Smoke
  • Bad bacteria

Poor indoor air quality can risk your health and that of your loved ones, so air purifiers are worth adding a thought to, and if it is Nispira, you should go for one.

If we go as per the reports of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the said indoor air can be two to five (up to 100) times more polluted than outdoor air. Sources of that pollution include:

  • Cleaning products
  • Personal care products
  • Off-gassing from furniture and mattresses
  • Building materials
  • Paint
  • Wet carpets
  • Central heating and cooling systems
  • All possible fuel sources, like oil, wood, coal, gas, and kerosene
  • Tobacco 

To breathe the purest air possible, you need the right air purifier that is compatible with removing pollutants. You can expect a fresher home after installing one. Heard of Nispira Air Purifiers, if not, you need to try them now! They help people with asthma to breathe clean and light air.

Do Air Filters help with allergies?

Yes — Research has shown that 25.7% of adolescents and 18.9% of children suffer from seasonal allergies in the United States. Starting in the early days of spring and lasting somewhat until fall. Some studies have shown that for people with allergies, cleaner air may provide some relief from symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and congestion. The amount of medication may also be reduced by using air filters, which will help people dealing with allergies.  

  • Air purifiers can remove harmful and unwanted particles like allergens, bacteria, viruses, smoke, and other air impurities. When equipped with high-performance particle air (HEPA) filters, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, and pollen can also be removed with the help of air purifiers. First-hand testing and research, a HEPA filter is a must for maximum effectiveness recommended, according to experts.

How do I choose a good air purifier for allergies?

If you are choosing the Nispira Air Purifier, the selection gets easier. To reduce potentially Harmful Particles, dirty air is sucked by air purifiers through a filtration system, and cleaned air is blown back into the room by this filtration system. You'll find all kinds of slang and mythical claims among the options. So, to cut through that noise, we're going to break down four key terms here to help you know what to look for (and to help you navigate this article).

  • HEPA filters: High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters measure up to the US Standard of filtration required for air purification adequate for allergy sufferers. HEPA filters can filter approximately 99.97% of particles up to 0.3 microns in diameter out of the air—eliminating dust, allergens, and dander. Every air purifier for allergies we tested is HEPA compliant.


  • PM2.5: Particulate matter (or tiny droplets) in the air that are two and one-half microns or less in diameter. PM2.5s include known allergens like dust, pollen, and smoke.


  • CADR: A device's Clean Air Delivery Rate measures the levels of allergens such as dust, pollen, and smoke it can remove from a space during a fixed period. The CADR of your purifier needs to measure up to the size of your room in square feet. You'll commonly find CADRs for smoke, dust, and pollen on specification sheets (or on the packaging) of reputable brands of air purifiers.


  • TVOC: Total Volatile Organic Compounds is a measure of tiny molecules that are usually found in gas form at room temperature. These can be harmful, including chemicals in cigarette smoke, paint, furniture, cleaning products, and dry clothes. Activated carbon filters are used to remove VOCs.

 Do Air Purifiers Help With Asthma?

In asthma, the airways in the lungs become narrow and swell. Air Purifier brings in air through a filtration system, cuts off these small particles, and then releases the fresh air. An air purifier can also purify the air around it. Unsurprisingly, air purifiers can be so convincing—indoor pollutants like germs, dust, bacteria, allergens, and mold through the air exchange clean air. Clearly, if many people put an air purifier in their homes, it eases asthma symptoms with the help of an air purifier.

 Common environmental asthma triggers inside your house include:

  • Dust
  • Pet Dander
  • Smoke
  • Mold
  • Pollen from outside

An air purifier can remove these triggers from your home by trapping them in the filter. The Nispira Air Purifier is the right choice to bring pure air to your home. You need to check the ones they have to offer. Their machinery works too well and comes at rates you never thought of! Enjoy the purest air in your own comfort. 

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